MS Kenora

July 18, 2025 – CanJam Cruise

Details Price Qty
Adultshow details + $70.00 (CAD)*   Expired
Seniorshow details + $70.00 (CAD)*   Expired
Childshow details + $70.00 (CAD)*   Expired
Infantshow details + $0.01 (CAD)   Expired

* price includes taxes

  •  July 18, 2025
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost includes jamaican style buffet dinner.


Venue Phone: (807) 468 - 9124

Venue Website:

Bernier Dr, P.O. Box 741, Kenora, Ontario, Canada, P9N 1S4


The ship is both heated and air conditioned to ensure comfort in any weather.